While the world takes a breath

I know we’re in the middle of an awful time. People are sick and dying, all over the world we’re at the mercy of a common enemy that we don’t as yet have any way to attack, nor do we have any means to defend ourselves, apart from social distancing and isolation. The world isContinue reading “While the world takes a breath”

There Must Be Better Songs to Sing than This

Yesterday I watched the movie Educating Rita. It’s written by Willy Russell who also wrote Shirley Valentine and Blood Brothers. I love his work – it’s rare to see a man who can write so well for women. I last saw the movie around 1984 or ‘85. I remember it because I watched it withContinue reading “There Must Be Better Songs to Sing than This”

Shaping Journeys

Our lives, particularly in our early years, are moulded by external factors that create, shape and imprint memories of our places and our journeys. For me it was the three bus routes that travelled out of the housing scheme where I lived in as a child to different destinations. Starting with the number 31 route,Continue reading “Shaping Journeys”